We are glad to introduce to the wider public our new module RAXO All-mode K2. This powerful extension will complement and expand your site features if you use K2 component. In this blog post we would like to give some basic ideas how our product works so that you could see what potential it gives you.
Friendly Administration Panel
We are proud that we managed to create a module with a perfect balance between wide functionalities and easy use. Administration panel has clean and user friendly interface which lets you intuitively navigate through module options.
Content Selection
The first thing to do in the module is to define the source where the module should take data from. In source selection you have the following options to choose from:
- Get items from all K2 categories;
- Get items from one or several categories;
- Show one or several specific items.
Content filtration
RAXO All-mode K2 module offers a wide range of filtration options to specify your content selection.
- you can set how many news to show in the module;
- filtrate by time interval (e.g. to show news only for the last 30 days);
- filtrate by K2 tags;
- include or exclude featured items from the selection,
or display featured items only; - exclude some items by ID;
- show or hide access restricted items.
Buy Now: RAXO All-mode K2 - News Module for K2
Ordering Options
Definitely, you'll be able to arrange the items in the module exactly as you need. There are 17 (!) variants of how to order the items in the module block. We would like to drag your attention, that besides simple orderings like alphabetical or by date, this module can provide very special ordering options:
- By Date (newest first)
- By Date (oldest first)
- By Date (modified)
- Title Alphabetical (A-Z)
- Title Alphabetical (Z-A)
- Popular First
- Popular Last
- Most Rated
- Least Rated
- Most Commented
- Latest Commented
- Direct Joomla! Ordering (or featured items ordering)
- Reversed Joomla! Ordering (or featured items ordering)
- By ID (ascending)
- By ID (descending)
- Exact order as in K2 items field
- Random
Info fields
For easy reference we call the content elements like text, title, thumbnail, author, data, rating, etc. - info fields. You can flexibly manage them, adding or removing them from the module output. You can have several module copies on your site, and for each of them you can have different set of info fields. Thus you can make every module copy look different depending on the task.
Template Usage
Here we must mention module template option, a specific feature in our products we are loved for. Our module uses templates (or you may call them module layouts) for module front-end design. That's really cool! You have one module, but it can look absolutely different and serve for different tasks, replacing several similar products.
RAXO All-mode K2 comes with three professionally designed built-in templates. They are ready to use right out of the box. These templates have absolutely flexible structure which allow you to apply them for different purposes and tasks. Built-in templates are done wisely so they always look nice no matter what combination of fields or thumbnail size you use.
Good news for web developers and HTML and CSS skilled people. You can create your own module templates to fit your specific site design (use our tutorial). Since all built-in template files are well-commented we would recommend to use them as basis for your own templates, thus considerably simplifying your task.
As an alternative we can offer our unique and original additional templates. These templates were created by professional designers and experienced coders. Yeah, it cost us a fortune. But you can save your time and money by acquiring cheaply the result of this tremendous work.