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All RAXO extensions compatible with PHP 8.1

Happy Halloween joomlers! You've all been asking for PHP 8 support for a while. Our team has been hard at work updating our products to be compatible with PHP8. Since a large number of changes required us to test each module and plugin. And now we are glad to please you, new versions of all RAXO products are fully compatible with PHP 8.0 and PHP 8.1.

RAXO Modules for Joomla 4

UPDATE: RAXO All-mode PRO J4 - version 2.02
UPDATE: RAXO Related Articles J4 - version 2.01

New features:

  • PHP 8.0 and PHP 8.1 compatibility;
  • Added integration with the Akeeba Engage comment system for Joomla;
  • Added integration with the JComment comment system from J!Extensions.


  • Fixed PHP warning undefined property $name on some page builders;
  • Removed integration with no longer existing sliComments component;
  • Removed integration with no longer supported JA Comment component.

RAXO Modules for Content component and Joomla 3

UPDATE: RAXO All-mode PRO J3 - version 1.12
UPDATE: RAXO Related Articles J3 - version 1.11

New features:

  • PHP 8.0 compatibility;
  • Added integration with the Akeeba Engage comment system for Joomla;
  • Added integration with the JComment comment system from J!Extensions.


  • Fixed PHP warning undefined property $name on some page builders;
  • Removed integration with no longer existing sliComments component;
  • Removed integration with no longer supported JA Comment component.

RAXO Modules for K2 component and Joomla 3

UPDATE: RAXO All-mode K2 J3 - version 1.12
UPDATE: RAXO Related K2 Items J3 - version 1.09

New features:

  • PHP 8.0 compatibility;
  • Added integration with the JComment comment system from J!Extensions.


  • Fixed PHP warning undefined property $name on some page builders;
  • Removed integration with no longer supported JA Comment component.

RAXO Plugin

UPDATE: RAXO Insert Position J4 - version 2.01
UPDATE: RAXO Insert Position J3 - version 1.03

New features:

  • Compatible with PHP 8.0 and PHP 8.1


  • Plugin description and other changes in localization files.