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Joomla Release
Joomla! 2.5 Released

Joomla, one of the world's most popular open source content management systems used for everything from websites to blogs to Intranets, today announces the immediate availability of Joomla! 2.5. Among new features there are advanced search and automatic notification of Joomla core and extension updates.

See list of new features:
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What about RAXO All-mode PRO for J2.5

We have an important announcement for our clients. Right now we are testing our module on the new Joomla. However we already can assure you that RAXO All-mode PRO J1.7 will be compatible with Joomla 2.5.
Once the test period is over, a new version RAXO All-mode PRO J2.5 will be released. This update for Joolmla 2.5 will be free for the customers who purchased RAXO All-mode PRO J1.7/1.6 versions.

Joomla! Release Cycle

Version 2.5.0 is the second release made within the new six-month release cycle that started with the delivery of Joomla 1.6 in January 2011. Version 2.5 is also a long-term-support (LTS) release that will be supported for at least 18 months.

Release Cycle

As the official Joomla site says, version 1.7 will reach end of life one month from today, on 24 February 2012. All users of version 1.7 should update to version 2.5.0 before that time. The update process is very simple, and complete instructions are available here.

Time to Update Your Sites

Now you have a good idea about future Joomla releases, so you can take your time and plan carefully when update your sites to the latest version.
Downloading the latest version of Joomla is the best way to ensure organizational and personal security needs are being met since it will have the most recent updates to protect against the latest security threats.