Are the news sections linked?

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Are the news sections linked?

Post by process1 »

Hi there

When an article is displayed, does the section which it is listed also appear?

Eg. If the headline was; 'Portsmouth Football Club build new Football Stadium'
This would be listed under the 'Football' section, so will the 'Football News' section also be visible and linked to?

Also are the images and news stories at the top automatically populated with the latest news stories?

Many thanks

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Re: Are the news sections linked?

Post by Lisa »

RAXO news module is very flexible.
Yes, besides article title you can display category or/and section name with/without the links. You can see that on the screenshots ... fault.html (section News, category Politics)

Code: Select all

Also are the images and news stories at the top automatically populated with the latest news stories?
Not sure what you mean. Could you expand your question?
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