News Ticker function possible?

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News Ticker function possible?

Post by christol »

Can you component be made so that it shows a horizontal news ticker module function which is appr. 50 px in height, meaning only 1 sentence with 20 words + a date. Possible to achieve?
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Re: News Ticker function possible?

Post by Lisa »

Why not? The module is perfectly able to display any set of news.
The module already can provide you with content elements you need (news title, date or whatever), the question is just about how to present it on frontend. You'll probably need to create your own module template for this task.

The most suitable module template that can be used as a some sort of news ticker is All-mode Slider.
You can set to display only title and date, hide all other elements. In this template you can enable autoplay function to rotate your news.
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Re: News Ticker function possible?

Post by christol »

Great. However, this means that I have to make some modifications using CSS. If I do this, can I use the Slider module on a different position using the "normal" built in layout?
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Re: News Ticker function possible?

Post by Admin »

Always make a copy of the original module template before making any modifications. In this case you'll have the original module template and your own.
See the tutorial: viewtopic.php?f=7&t=10
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