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Update for RAXO All-mode K2 J2.5
RAXO All-mode K2 J2.5 v1.2

We are happy to announce the release of a new update for the K2 content module: RAXO All-mode K2 J2.5. In this module version we added some new and useful features that were requested by our clients. We hope that you will love the new functionality and find the best use of this on your sites.

New features:


How to Update?
Information about how to update your RAXO All-mode K2 J2.5 module can be found in this INSTRUCTION.We strongly recommend everyone to make a full backup of your site files and database before new version installation.

Item Date Type Selection

Support for three types of date

This new feature allows you select which item date type the module should use. It can be: creation date, modification date or start publishing date. By default, the module uses item creation date. When you select another date type, the module starts using it in all date related functions: orderings by date, time interval filters, date fields.

External Comment Systems Supported

On our forum we got numerous requests to organize support for some external comment systems for K2, besides the standard comment system. Today we are happy to announce that RAXO All-mode K2 J2.5 supports three more comment systems:

Please, pay attention that our module provides extended support for comments. This means that besides displaying the number of comments for your news, you can use comments as ordering filter and show module blocks with the latests commented and the most commented articles. We are sure you'll appreciate these incredibly useful options.

Special Caching for Random Module Output

Standard module caching in Joomla creates one cache unit for all pages where a module is placed. Generally it works fine, but it might fail for some cases that require more changes from page to page. RAXO module with random content (e.g. random news, random products) would be an example of this. When cache is enabled, the module block starts looking the same on different pages which doesn't fall under the concept of random output. The only solution was to disable cache for the modules that display random items, which was not good for sites with high traffic.

Now we make it possible to use random module output together with caching. When you use random ordering in RAXO All-mode K2, the module creates a separate cache unit for each page. This means the module blocks on different pages will display different sets of news. And thanks to caching your database will perform better, and your website will feel faster, and be able to support more simultaneous users.

When you return to usual (non-random) module output, the module switches to the standard caching automatically.

Update is Free for Our Clients
Clients who purchased RAXO All-mode K2 J2.5 get this update by email. We start delivering the new version immediately. Please, be patient, everyone will get it within several days. Don't forget to check your email (including spam folder).