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Multipurpose K2 content module
RAXO All-mode K2 J3.x Update

We keep working on our modules to make them better and better in all details. After this update of RAXO All-mode K2 J3.x you'll be able to set a date range of your Joomla news or articles displayed by the module with an accuracy of up to an hour or even up to a minute.

This release contains lots of improvements that probably are not visible at first glance, but they are very important and do improve module's performance. Our efforts result in a Joomla extension of the best quality.

New features:

  • Accurate Date Range.
    Date range now can be set with an accuracy of up to an hour and even up to a minute;
  • New error notification added.
    The module shows error message when module layout is selected incorrectly, doesn't exist or deleted.


  • Date filters now work correctly with time zones set in site global configuration settings;
  • Default caching time is increased to one hour;
  • Columns layout now can work when loaded in an initially hidden container;
  • Bricks layout now avoids a conflict when it is used by Related K2 Items module on the same page;
  • Integer value verification for title & text cutting and image size fields;
  • Performance improvements and optimization;
  • Numerous corrections in all module localizations;
  • Optimization of user view levels verification;
  • PostgreSQL random ordering error fixed.

Updates are free for our clients!

We start delivering the new version by email immediately.
Please be patient, the distribution process may take several days.