Module: RAXO All-mode K2

RAXO All-mode K2

Powerful content display module for K2

Compatible with: K2 Component for Joomla 3.x

RAXO All-mode K2 is a multipurpose content display module for K2 component. It has a really wide functionality and can be applied in various situations. Demos are really boring and don't tell much about the product. We found a much better way to show how powerful the module we created is. Enjoy the gallery of some clients' sites that use RAXO All-mode K2 intensively.

Client Website Showcase

Your Joomla K2 site can look beautiful, especially enhanced by RAXO All-mode K2. Get inspired by what our clients have done.

Khakassia news agency

Khakassia news agency (

Official site of the information agency with daily news and reports.

El Diari de Noticies del Baix Llobregat

El Diari de Noticies del Baix Llobregat (

News portal of Baix Llobregat, Spain.

Club bádminton A Estrada

Club bádminton A Estrada (

Página oficial del Club bádminton A Estrada. Equipo de bádminton de División de Honor.

The Barnet Society

The Barnet Society (

The Barnet Society news and updates regarding local developments.


MK-Estonia (

Online version of a big regional newspaper.

Online magazine derKi

Online magazine derKi (

Articles and research writing on various spiritual topics.

Real Usage Screenshots

This module performs a really wide range of tasks. See some examples how our clients use K2 news module on their sites.

Stylish design of Rational layout

Layout Grid as a gallery

Display your content in any language

Professional module view by default

Module Quick Info

Latest version
RAXO All-mode K2 J3.x
ver 1.12 ( what's new? )
Language Packs
RAXO All-mode K2 modules are designed to show items from K2, the powerful content extension for Joomla!