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Display articles from different categories/subcategories

Posted: Oct 04, 2016 8:01 pm
by apollonios
Before I buy the RAXO All-mode PRO I would like to know if it can arrange the articles like in the picture I am attaching.
My Joomla installation is 3.6.2 and the template framework is Gantry 5.

Thanks in advance

Re: Can it display like this

Posted: Oct 05, 2016 8:21 am
by Admin
Yes, this view is pretty easy to create with our module and its built-in layout Columns: ... lumns.html

You'll just need to use two module copies. Then you just select in the first case category A as source of the articles, and category B in the second case. Also, you are able to change module settings (thumbnail size, number of columns, number of items, etc) independently for each module copy.

Re: Can it display like this

Posted: Oct 05, 2016 9:19 pm
by apollonios
Thank you for your answer!!
I have already purchased the great RAXO All-mode PRO!


Re: RAXO All-mode PRO - Suggestions and Feature Requests

Posted: May 21, 2017 4:56 am
by ch2856
I would like to see the ability to display in one module position 2 articles from category x and 4 from category y.

Re: RAXO All-mode PRO - Suggestions and Feature Requests

Posted: May 21, 2017 8:58 pm
by Lisa
You can do it right now.
Place two module copies in one position. In the first copy display 2 articles from category X and in the second copy display 4 articles from category Y. Use the same layout in both module instances to make them look alike.

Show articles of subcategories

Posted: May 06, 2024 2:57 pm
by stefanato
I whould know if it is possible to show all articles titles of each sub category. Like this :

article 1, article 2, article 3, etc....

article 1, article 2, article 3, etc....

article 1, article 2, article 3, etc....

I remain in waiting for your kind feedback.

Re: Display articles from different categories/subcategories

Posted: May 07, 2024 6:33 pm
by Admin
In our module, the source (from which categories) it should take articles is always clearly specified.
So your problem is solved as follows:

- In the module settings, select subcategory 1 as the source of the items you want to display. Go through the rest of the settings and do whatever you need to do until you are happy with the result.

- Then copy and create several instances of the module in Modules Manager.

- Go to the settings of each instance and all you need to do is change the source to subcategory 2, subcategory 3, etc.