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Image support - HELIX3 blog options - featured image and post formats

Posted: Jun 17, 2016 7:25 pm
by pepperstreet
Hello, RAXO modules seem to have versatile image support options. I am sure this is not going to be a core RAXO module feature, but I am curious if I could extend your feature by overrides...

You may have heard of the template framework HELIX3 by JoomShaper. They have an interesting approach to extend the Joomla Blog and image options. They add WP-like options to com_content media support:

1. Featured Image (with image resize)
2. different "Post-Formats" i.e. Standard, Gallery, Audio, Video, Quote, Link etc.

So, I would like to know if it it possible to add and use HELIX3 images and media with RAXO modules.
Featured Image would be nice for the beginning, Post-Formats would be pure awesomeness. ;) :ugeek:

Again, this is not a general core feature for everyone, but for HELIX3 users a cool bonus.
Any chance to get some advice or technical help to achieve it?

Thanks in advance.

Re: Image support - HELIX3 blog options - featured image and post formats

Posted: Jun 20, 2016 4:07 pm
by Lisa
I don't get what is the module role in all that?
Basically, the module is designed to present short teasers of articles.
For the module there is difference how you create Joomla articles, by super useful auto submitter, or just manually. If an article contains text or image, the module is able to process it.

Re: Image support - HELIX3 blog options - featured image and post formats

Posted: Mar 31, 2017 10:53 pm
by pepperstreet
Lisa wrote:I don't get what is the module role in all that?...
...If an article contains text or image, the module is able to process it.
Hello again, I totally missed your answer and question. I try to clarify.

I assume your module does detect the usual Joomla image options. Which are inline in the content area and core images for intro/full. My initial question relates to the FREE Helix3 template framework. It somehow extends the Joomla core images with different options. The STANDARD post type makes use of an extra featured-image, which is automatically resized in various dimensions. If present, it is used instead of the Joomla core images. It displays also on lists in a different size:

There are even more optional post types. Comparable to WP post type options. For instance the GALLERY post type allows multiple images. If selected, it replaces the featured image with a gallery slider:

Hope this helps.
Is there any chance that your module detects those images/post types, and displays them accordingly?

Re: Image support - HELIX3 blog options - featured image and post formats

Posted: Apr 04, 2017 9:30 pm
by Lisa
The key question - where Helix places the article image after all.
If it's inside article text, the module proceed it.
If it's a special field in database available only for Helix, then no, the module won't see such images.

Re: Image support - HELIX3 blog options - featured image and post formats

Posted: Apr 05, 2017 1:05 am
by pepperstreet
Hello again, I have tried to figure out the storage question. Helix3 blog options are stored in com_content -> attribs column. Here is an example of an article's attribs column :

Code: Select all

{"spfeatured_image":"images\/2017\/04\/04\/simpsons.jpg","post_format":"standard","gallery":"","audio":"","video":"","link_title":"","link_url":"","quote_text":"Lorem Ipsum placeholder text is here.","quote_author":"- John Doe","post_status":""}
The display on frontend is managed in com_content overrides.
The additional post-format "icons" are handled through extra jlayouts.

Excerpt from article default override:

Code: Select all

//get image
$article_attribs 	= json_decode($this->item->attribs);
$article_images 	= json_decode($this->item->images);
$article_image 		= '';
if(isset($article_attribs->spfeatured_image) && $article_attribs->spfeatured_image != '') {
	$article_image 	= $article_attribs->spfeatured_image;
} elseif(isset($article_images->image_fulltext) && !empty($article_images->image_fulltext)) {
	$article_image 	= $article_images->image_fulltext;

Code: Select all

$post_format = $params->get('post_format', 'standard');
$has_post_format = $tpl_params->get('show_post_format');
if($this->print) $has_post_format = false;

Code: Select all

		if($post_format=='standard') {
			echo JLayoutHelper::render('joomla.content.full_image', $this->item);
		} else {
			echo JLayoutHelper::render('joomla.content.post_formats.post_' . $post_format, array('params' => $params, 'item' => $this->item));

	<div class="entry-header<?php echo $has_post_format ? ' has-post-format': ''; ?>">
		<?php echo JLayoutHelper::render('joomla.content.post_formats.icons',  $post_format); ?>
Hope this helps.

Re: Image support - HELIX3 blog options - featured image and post formats

Posted: Apr 06, 2017 9:08 pm
by Admin
elix3 blog options are stored in com_content -> attribs column.
I see they use their own parameter spfeatured_image. So this statement is true:
If it's a special field in database available only for Helix, then no, the module won't see such images.

Re: Image support - HELIX3 blog options - featured image and post formats

Posted: Apr 07, 2017 12:54 am
by pepperstreet
Admin wrote: Apr 06, 2017 9:08 pm I see they use their own parameter spfeatured_image. So this statement is true:
If it's a special field in database available only for Helix, then no, the module won't see such images.
Almost planned on that answer ;)
However, could I create an override for RAXO modules in a similar way?

Re: Image support - HELIX3 blog options - featured image and post formats

Posted: Aug 22, 2017 11:28 pm
by bouce
hi every one, im using helix3 framework and i'm not getting thumbnails ...does any one have a solution

thank you

Re: Image support - HELIX3 blog options - featured image and post formats

Posted: Aug 23, 2017 8:57 am
by Admin
If you don't see thumbnails for standard Joomla images in the articles, follow this thumbnail instruction:

Re: Image support - HELIX3 blog options - featured image and post formats

Posted: Aug 23, 2017 2:54 pm
by bouce
i followed instructions and im getting the same thing my images are placed as above in Helix blog option .