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This month view should be changed

Posted: May 01, 2015 4:32 am
by ch2856

I think the option This month for date range should be change to last 30 days. I know there is an option for days rage but "this month" as a quick option make no sense when the date change to the 1th day of the month = wondering why the module has gone :-).

Just a thought.

Re: This month view should be changed

Posted: May 03, 2015 5:37 pm
by Lisa
"This month" means current calender month (January, February, etc.).
The last 30 days is not equal to "this month". If you call this option "this month" it will be misleading for module users.

At the moment, the module has both options:
1. You can display items from this month.
2. You can display items from the last 30 days (or whatever, according to your settings).

So the current date filters are very flexible and there is so sense to add the changes you suggested.