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RAXO All-mode K2 - question

Posted: Jan 28, 2013 9:38 pm
by Petrik Basic
I have your module for joomla 1.5 and I must say, the best module I have ever used.You guys are awesome.

But now i have 2.5 joomla with k2 and my questions is what image does the module use, the k2 image or a image must be in a item so the module can use it?

Re: Raxo for K2 - question

Posted: Jan 28, 2013 10:35 pm
by Lisa
Our module is very flexible here.
You can use set it to use either K2 images, or images from K2 item body, or you can set the module to select the image automatically.

Doubt with Raxo and K2

Posted: Feb 11, 2013 12:59 pm
by aquatintacg
Hello. I would like to purchase your product, version K2 for Joomla 2.5, but I have a couple of questions about it.

In the regular version, it displays the title of the article, a bit of text, and the button “Read more” which sends you to the pertaining article. My doubt is: in the K2 version, if I attach one or two files to download in the article, in the “Attachments” section, will it also show the download option in your module?

My second question is: could you show me a couple of screenshots of the backend screen of the K2 version?

Thank you very much.

Re: RAXO All-mode for K2 - question

Posted: Feb 11, 2013 7:23 pm
by Lisa
in the K2 version, if I attach one or two files to download in the article, in the “Attachments” section, will it also show the download option in your module?
No, the module doesn't work with K2 attachments.
could you show me a couple of screenshots of the backend screen of the K2 version?
Please, read our K2 announcement blog post: ... ement.html
Or see our listing in KED: ... ode-for-k2

display k2 articles based on their tags

Posted: Feb 16, 2013 9:23 am
by mytd
would this module allow me to display K2 articles based on their tags instead of category?

Re: RAXO All-mode for K2 - question

Posted: Feb 16, 2013 7:35 pm
by Lisa
Yes, you can filtrate K2 items by tag.

Ordering Options

Posted: Nov 14, 2013 6:54 pm
by rose200
Hi, I need to know if the RAXO All-mode K2 module have an option of ordering articles by author. Please, list wich options are avaliable. I need this to decide. Thanks (and sorry my poor english, hope you understand).

Re: RAXO All-mode for K2 - question

Posted: Nov 15, 2013 6:05 pm
by Lisa
Full list of ordering options for RAXO All-mode K2:
  • By Date (newest first)
  • By Date (oldest first)
  • By Date (modified)
  • Title Alphabetical (A-Z)
  • Title Alphabetical (Z-A)
  • Popular First
  • Popular Last
  • Most Rated
  • Least Rated
  • Most Commented
  • Latest Commented
  • Direct Joomla! Ordering (or featured items ordering)
  • Reversed Joomla! Ordering (or featured items ordering)
  • By ID (ascending)
  • By ID (descending)
  • Exact order as in K2 items field
  • Random
There is no sorting by author. We could create this option specially for you, but we have doubts that it's what you need. We have no idea where you could apply this sorting.
Probably you meant something else?

(Maybe Google Translate could help you explain your request in more details)

Re: RAXO All-mode for K2 - question

Posted: Nov 15, 2013 6:11 pm
by rose200
I have a website of tourist agency. I need to organize the items by the number of days the package ... So I thought of writing the number of days in the author, or alias title. I could sort manually, of course, but there are more than 300 items, constantly changing, making it difficult. So my need for another sort option. Hope you can help me...

Re: RAXO All-mode for K2 - question

Posted: Nov 15, 2013 7:08 pm
by Admin
Thanks for explanation. Now we get your point.
As we said before, there is no problem to add a new ordering option.
Recently there was a client who wanted to have ordering by finish publishing date. There is no such an ordering option in the module, but I gave the client a ready solution how to add it. The same way we could provide you with the modification your require.

BUT probably you could use K2 tags for your task? Just add tags "# of day" for each article (package), and then you can use filter by tag in the module.