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Use All-mode Pro in article, override defaults?

Posted: Dec 07, 2011 11:25 am
by ptyrider
I wonder if the product can be used inside an article. I'm currently using a rockettheme template on the front page. The idea would be to have a magazine w/ an entirely different template (one of your templates) running separately, ideally inside a regular article, overriding the rockettheme defaults (though it is possible but less convenient to use the rocketttheme template). Is this possible? What do you suggest?

If you do that, add it to the article, and then you click one of the links inside the Raxo module so that you're taken to the article referenced, then, on the referenced article page, will you see the Raxo module there also (inherited), or does it go away as hopefully it should?

Re: Use All-mode Pro in article, override defaults?

Posted: Dec 08, 2011 5:01 pm
by Lisa
Yes, our module can do that - place it inside an article.
If you do that, add it to the article, and then you click one of the links inside the Raxo module so that you're taken to the article referenced, then, on the referenced article page, will you see the Raxo module there also (inherited), or does it go away as hopefully it should?
And yes, it works "as it should". There is a full instruction in support area of the forum.


Posted: Dec 16, 2014 1:48 am
by smudge11
I would like to know if the Joomla {load position} function works with displaying the RAXO module?
I have an article that I would like to display multiple RAXO modules within the article, using loadposition.
Will this work without issue, or is there another way to do what I need?

Thank you,

Re: Use All-mode Pro in article, override defaults?

Posted: Dec 16, 2014 10:29 am
by Lisa
Yes, our module supports Joomla {load position} function.

I see you've become our client already. Just use forum advanced search (search for "loadposition") to find the instruction how to place our module inside an article.